Healthy Hearts
The Healthy Hearts program aims to prevent childhood obesity by teaching students in 4th through 6th grades about the heart and the importance of a healthy diet and exercise. It empowers students with the tools and knowledge needed to make healthier decisions and build healthy habits.
Years that Healthy Hearts has been impacting youth in schools
Students served per year
Program Highlights

Students Learn
How the heart and the circulatory system work
The five healthy food groups, appropriate portion sizes, and how to read food labels
How the intake of sugar, sodium, and fat impacts our health
An introduction to health-related conditions: high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol
Ways to make exercise fun
Program Goals
Increase knowledge regarding health issues associated with high intake of sugar, fat, and sodium in students’ daily diets
Encourage ownership of students’ health by self-managing daily habits and increasing exercise
Change habits in healthy food consumption and increased physical activity
Empower students to become role models for their own families as stewards of good health
Program Results
Decrease in poor healthy days
Increase in phsyical activity
Increase in knowledge about heart health and health issues associated with a diet high in fat, sugar, and sodium
Increase in students NOT consuming candy or drinking non-diet soda the day prior
Increase in healthy food consumption

Barriers to Healthy Hearts that Youth Face
Lack of health and nutrition education in elementary schools for children
Lack of nutrition education in Spanish for students and parents
Lack of access to safe, open spaces for exercise
Lack of affordable, healthy food in neighborhoods
Limited healthy food choices for school breakfasts and lunches
Lack of marketing to children promoting healthy food
Learn about the Healthy Hearts Program
Healthy Hearts Program Partners
Thank you to our partners actively making a difference in the lives of our youth.